Eligibility & Application Process: The Livestock Card has been launched by the Chief Minister of Punjab Mrs. Maryam Nawaz. Its purpose is to provide loans to poor farmers for the improvement of their animals. You can register your animals in your nearest veterinary hospital through livestock card. And after that you will be able to get live stock card.
Which farmers can benefit in this scheme which farmers can register. So you know this article of ours. You are given complete details in it. Livestock card is aimed at providing loans to farmers in Punjab province for the improvement of their animals. Eligibility & Application Process. Life Stock Card has been launched to alleviate the problems of poor and divorced women and to improve their future. In which it has been decided to provide cows and buffaloes to poor women.
اس اسکیم کے تحت، کسانوں کو چار ماہ کے لیے بغیر سود کے قرض فراہم کیا جائے گا جس کی مقدار تقریباً ایک لاکھ پینتیس ہزار روپے سے لے کر دو لاکھ ستر ہزار روپے تک ہو سکتی ہے۔ قرض کے اختتام کے بعد، کسان ایک ماہ کے اندر قرض کی واپسی کر سکتے ہیں۔ یہ قرض کسانوں کو مویشیوں کی خوراک اور دیگر ضروریات کے لیے استعمال کرنے کے لیے دیا جاتا ہے۔
Main Goals of the Punjab Livestock Card
The main purpose of Livestock Card is to provide loans to those people in Punjab who are fond of animals. Farmers are being provided high interest loans for four months under livestock card. After four months, the facility of repaying the loan within one month has been provided. Eligibility & Application Process
You can also read: Government of Punjab Distributed free Cows and Buffaloes
It has been decided to give loans from around one lakh 35 thousand to two lakh seventy thousand rupees through livestock card. You can purchase Vanda Silage Joker etc. for your animals through this loan. About 60 thousand cattle keepers will be eligible in this scheme.
Eligibility For Livestock Cards
Farmers whose details are mentioned below can be eligible for livestock card
- Cattle herders both male and female are eligible
- A loan facility of Rs.2 lakhs upon eligibility
- This loan is interest free
- Enter your animal details for registration
- You must have animals before registration
- All information must be correct during registration
- After submitting all such information, the representative will make you part of the Livestock Card
- They will also be able to get Livestock Card without any hassle
Review of Information During Application
If you apply for a Livestock Card, you will be asked for information about your animals during the application process. You must submit all of that information. will be made. Some such information will be asked from you in the Livestock Card.

In which the information about your animals, how many animals you keep, what is your poverty score. Such information about how you are living is regularly reviewed. Then you will be loaned through livestock card. The loan amount of livestock card is about two hundred and seventy thousand rupees.
Who People Register In Livestock Cards
You want to know how people can be a part of Livestock Card. The details of these people are being told to you. People who are fond of animals, have animals and want to purchase expenses for their animals can be eligible for Livestock Card. As is necessary for animals.
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Silage, hay, winda, etc. For the Punjab government, the Punjab government has allocated a loan of up to two hundred thousand rupees for these farmers. By getting this loan, they can improve their animals, buy and sell them and improve their life and future.
How to get Livestock Card
If you want to get a livestock card, how can you get this livestock card? You are being given complete details, let us tell you that a code has been kept for Livestock Card, you can message on this code. Eligibility & Application Process
9211 will be able to get live stock card only through the service of the same code. You have been given this code clearly, you can get all the information and this livestock card through this code.
Benefits of Livestock Cards
If you get registered in Live Stock Card, you can get many benefits which are being told to you,
- The cattle rearing farmers will be provided loans for four months
- These loans will be provided without interest
- You will be able to disburse the loan within one month after the expiry of the four month period
- The loan amount has been kept from Rs 1 lakh 35 thousand to Rs 70 lakh
- Which can be very beneficial to you
- You can get this loan this loan is interest free
- Up winda can buy Silage Mineral Mixture by availing this loan
- 60 thousand farmers can get this livestock card
- Both men and women can apply
Livestock card has been organized by the Punjab government, its purpose is to provide loan money to the cattle rearers. At present, there are many farmers who are fond of cattle rearing. But they do not have the expenses to feed their animals well.
اگر آپ لائیو سٹاک کارڈ حاصل کرنا چاہتے ہیں تو آپ یہ لائیو سٹاک کارڈ کیسے حاصل کر سکتے ہیں؟ آپ کو مکمل تفصیلات دی جا رہی ہیں، آپ کو بتاتے چلیں کہ لائیو سٹاک کارڈ کے لیے ایک کوڈ رکھا گیا ہے، آپ اس کوڈ پر میسج کر سکتے ہیں۔ 9211 صرف اسی کوڈ کی سروس کے ذریعے لائیو اسٹاک کارڈ حاصل کر سکیں گے۔ آپ کو یہ کوڈ واضح طور پر دیا گیا ہے، آپ اس کوڈ کے ذریعے تمام معلومات اور یہ لائیو سٹاک کارڈ حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔
For this reason, Ms. Maryam Nawaz is providing a loan of up to two lakh 70 thousand rupees so that the farmers can feed their animals well. If you are also a cattle rearer, quickly ensure your eligibility for Kisan Card.
You can also read: Livestock Card Scheme Registration Requirments In Punjab By Maryam Nawaz
Who launched the Livestock Card in Punjab?
Chief Minister of Punjab, Mrs. Maryam Nawaz.
What is the main purpose of the Livestock Card?
To provide loans to farmers in Punjab for the improvement of their animals.
What is the loan amount range provided through the Livestock Card?
Loans range from approximately Rs. 135,000 to Rs. 270,000.
How can farmers apply for a Livestock Card?
Farmers can apply by messaging the code 9211.
What are the benefits of the Livestock Card for eligible farmers?
Farmers receive interest-free loans for four months, with a repayment period of one month after the loan period.