Wed. Feb 12th, 2025
Latest Update: Will BISP Disburse the 13,500 Payment via JazzCash?

BISP Disburse the 13,500 Payment

BISP Disburse There is great news for all the eligible candidates in Benazir Kafalat program who have completed their NSER survey from BISP office now they are waiting for next installment details. So all the people who are eligible to get the next payment should know that this time Benazir Kafalat’s payment will be 13500 increased from 10 thousand 500 and it will start from January 2025 it is being told. That the payment of BISP will now be made through Jazzcash, and if you want to get the next installment, you will be able to get it easily.

This tranche will be given only to those who are financially weak and those whose circumstances are not goodSo by including them in this program, financial assistance of 13500 per month will be given by Benazir Kafalat Program and the Benazir Income Support Program. This is the question of many people. What are the special eligibility criteria for getting this payment, then you will get its complete information in the article

JazzCash پاکستان کی سب سے زیادہ استعمال ہونے والی ڈیجیٹل والیٹ سروسز میں سے ایک ہے۔ یہ صارفین کو اپنے موبائل فون کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے رقم بھیجنے، وصول کرنے اور نکالنے کی اجازت دیتا ہے۔ یہ خاص طور پر مقبول ہے کیونکہ یہ ان لوگوں کے لیے بھی قابل رسائی ہے جن کے پاس روایتی بینک اکاؤنٹ نہیں ہے۔ لوگ مقامی JazzCash ایجنٹوں سے رقم جمع اور نکال سکتے ہیں، جو شہری اور دیہی دونوں علاقوں میں دستیاب ہیں۔

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BISP Payment Through Jazzcash Overview

  • Great news for people using BISP payment through JazzCash.
  • Beneficiaries are offered three options to receive payments through JazzCash, explained further below.
  • Authorized Jazzcash agents will handle the payment disbursement process.
  • BISP beneficiaries can find and visit Jazzcash agents to receive payments after completing the verification process.
  • Fingerprint verification is mandatory at agent locations to ensure identity verification and smooth payment collection.
  • If beneficiaries qualify, they can proceed and get money through JazzCash.
  • A Jazzcash Account number will be added to the JazzCash account, meaning payments can be directly credited to JazzCash accounts in the future.
  • Beneficiaries will not need to visit an agent for the next payment, as it will be deposited directly into their accounts

BISP Payment With New Method

Benazir Income Support Program has recently announced a new statement by Rubina Khalid that the franchise payment system will be abolished and a new mechanism has been introduced to pay the BISP. Now with the support of six more banks, Jazzcash full money has also been added. Majority of people in Pakistan use this platform and poor people also use this platform, so Benazir Income Support. The program has to rely on these two banks to provide the next tranche of January

بی آئی ایس پی اس وقت اپنے مستفیدین میں ادائیگیاں تقسیم کرنے کے لیے کئی مختلف بینکوں کا استعمال کرتا ہے۔ ایک طویل عرصے سے، لوگ اے ٹی ایم کارڈز کے ذریعے اپنی رقوم نکال رہے ہیں، خاص طور پر ایچ بی ایل بینکوں سے جاری کردہ۔ یہ ادائیگیاں HBL کنیکٹ جیسے پلیٹ فارم کے ذریعے بھی کی جاتی ہیں، جس سے فائدہ اٹھانے والوں کو اے ٹی ایم کا سفر کرنے کے بجائے مقامی خوردہ فروشوں سے رقم جمع کرنے کی اجازت ملتی ہے۔

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13500 will be given to all the eligible and registered families through JazzCash and to get this amount through JazzCash you will read the article on the website carefully and here you will be informed. Who are the people who will be able to receive the payment? What are the steps you have to follow to get the installment? Complete information and details you will find in the website so that you can get your payment at home without any hassle.

Why JazzCash Could Be a Good Option

جاز کیش کے ذریعے مستحقین اپنی ادائیگیاں براہ راست اپنے فون پر حاصل کر سکیں گے اور قریبی ایجنٹ کے پاس جا کر رقم نکال سکیں گے، خاص طور پر وہ لوگ جو دور دراز علاقوں میں رہتے ہیں۔

جاز کیش کے پاس ملک بھر میں ایجنٹس کا وسیع نیٹ ورک موجود ہے، جس میں دیہی اور پسماندہ علاقوں کو بھی شامل کیا گیا ہے۔ اس کا مطلب ہے کہ مستحقین کو پیسے نکالنے کے لیے اے ٹی ایم تلاش کرنے کی ضرورت نہیں ہوگی اور تاخیر بھی کم ہوگی۔

ڈیجیٹل ادائیگیاں جسمانی ادائیگی کے طریقوں سے زیادہ تیز اور قابل اعتماد ہوتی ہیں۔ جاز کیش کے ذریعے لوگ بغیر کسی کٹوتی کے اپنی رقم حاصل کریں گے۔ جاز کیش جیسی موبائل والٹ کا استعمال ادائیگی کے عمل کو تیز کر سکتا ہے اور یقینی بناتا ہے کہ لوگوں کو وقت پر ان کی رقم مل جائے۔

اس پروگرام میں کم رقم ملنے کے امکانات بہت کم ہیں۔ درخواست گزار اکثر اپنی ادائیگی لینے کے لیے سفر پر اضافی رقم خرچ کرتے ہیں، لیکن اب وہ مقامی ایجنٹس کے ذریعے اپنے علاقے میں ہی رقم نکال کر سفر کے اخراجات بچا سکتے ہیں۔

  • The decision of Benazir Income support program to disburse payments via JazzCash is a positive step, offering multiple benefits during the application process.
  • Mobile payments through JazzCash are much easier compared to traditional banking methods.
  • Beneficiaries can receive payments directly on their phones and visit the nearest agent to withdraw money, which is especially helpful for those living in remote areas.
  • JazzCash has a wide network of agents across the country, including rural and underserved regions, allowing beneficiaries easy access to withdraw funds without needing to find an ATM.
  • Digital payments are faster and more reliable than physical payment methods.
  • Payments made through JazzCash will be free of deductions, ensuring people get the full amount.
  • The use of JazzCash’s mobile wallet can significantly speed up the payment process, ensuring timely disbursement of funds.
  • Underpayment risks are minimal with this program.
  • Applicants no longer need to spend extra money traveling to collect payments, reducing travel expenses by using local agents to withdraw funds.

Bisp September New Payment Released

BISP Disburse The good news for those who have not received any installment from BISP yet they have completed registration in 2023 and 2024 but have not received any installment. And according to the decision of the Government of Pakistan, they will be able to receive an increased amount of 13500 from BISP. If you have not completed your registration, you are informed that you must complete your NSER survey.

بی آئی ایس پی نے سرگودھا لودھرا کی اگلی قسط کئی علاقوں میں پروگرام میں شروع کر دی ہے، مزید یہ کہ اس بار ادائیگی انتہائی شفافیت کے ساتھ کیمپ سائڈ کے ذریعے کی جا رہی ہے۔ تاکہ وہ تمام اہل خواتین جنہیں 8171 سے میسج موصول ہوا ہے وہ سرگودھا میں بینک ایجنٹ سے پوری رقم حاصل کر سکیں اور لودھرا میں بھی تقریباً 50% خواتین نے اپنی ادائیگی وصول کر لی ہے۔ وہ ہر تحصیل میں اپنے گھروں کے قریب واقع کیمپ سائٹ کے ذریعے اپنی ماہانہ ادائیگیاں جمع کر سکتے ہیں۔

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In order to complete your registration process and receive financial assistance, the NSER survey by BISP allows those ineligible for the BISP program to receive their funds. BISP started the registration process through an internet service which we know is not working but instead introduced NSER registration service in Benazir Income Support Program. In which the beneficiaries of the program are being given financial assistance to low-income people, this is the best option through which the people will get the assistance money.

BISP Payment With JazzCash

BISP has started Sargodha Lodhra’s next Installment in the program in many areas, moreover, this time payment is being made through Campside with utmost transparency. So that all the eligible women who have received the message from 8171 can get the full amount from the bank agent in Sargodha and also in Lodhra about 50% of women have received their payment. They can collect their monthly payments through the campsite located near their homes in each tehsil.

Only women who have received a message from 8171 can participate in the Benazir Kafalat program. that their payment information has been received they will start receiving the money For more information and details you may refer to the article on our website so that you can receive your payment at home If you’re having trouble getting a payment, you can follow some easy steps to make your payment

Could JazzCash Be the Next Payment Method?

BISP Disburse JazzCash is the most widely used digital wallet in Pakistan. It allows users to send and receive money using mobile phones. It is particularly popular because it is extremely convenient for them. It is accessible to people who do not have a traditional bank account.

You Can Also Read: NSER Survey Why It Is Important And How To Complete

BISP Disburse People can deposit or withdraw money from local authorized cash agents in urban and rural areas. Therefore, BISP payments will now also start to be received through JazzCash cash As payments are now being made easier by JazzCash is being resorted to to make payments easier. Through this, the payment will now be delivered to the people so that people can easily get their payment at home without any hassle, and complete information and details will be given to them as to how they will get the money based on the information.

Final Words

BISP Disburse The purpose of this article is to provide you with the complete information to receive payments through Jazzcashso that you can receive your payments through Jazzcash. For more information and details you can read and see the article on our website carefully Whether you are included in the program or not, you will be given complete information upon joining the program

BISP Disburse The purpose of this article is to tell you what the steps to follow to get Jazzcash payments how to get paid through legitimate cash How to get paid through an agent And how to get complete information to get payment For any more information see the article on the website as announced by Rubina Khalid now you are eligible for BISP payment.


What is the new payment amount for eligible candidates in the Benazir Kafalat program starting January 2025?

The new payment amount will be Rs. 13,500, increased from Rs. 10,500.

How will beneficiaries receive their payments through the Benazir Income Support Program?

Payments will be made through JazzCash, allowing beneficiaries to receive money directly on their mobile phones or from authorized JazzCash agents.

What is mandatory for beneficiaries to complete before receiving payments at JazzCash agents?

Fingerprint verification is mandatory at agent locations to ensure identity verification before receiving payments.

What change has been announced regarding the payment mechanism for BISP?

The previous franchise payment system will be abolished, and a new mechanism with the support of six banks, including JazzCash, will be introduced for disbursement.

Why is using JazzCash considered beneficial for BISP beneficiaries?

JazzCash provides easy access to payments without the need to find ATMs, especially beneficial for those in remote areas. It allows direct payment deposits into accounts and ensures beneficiaries receive the full amount without deductions.