Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

Youth Development Program

Youth Development Program In the program Prime Minister Youth Skills Development Program National Technical Training Commission Federal Minister of Education Vocational Old Training Free Training Online admissions have been released Prime Minister has started these programs to employ the youth in Pakistan.

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In this program, the youth will be taught and empowered with skills known as good skills to earn their living at home and live a good lifestyle.

Youth Skills Development Program

Which is their right. The government of Pakistan has emphasized that due to the lack of jobs in Pakistan due to rising inflation, people are being attracted to online, and people are being shown online skills. So that they can earn lakhs of rupees per month sitting at home and live a good life, which is their right. The digital era is going on all over the world now, and the world is moving towards the digital era.

Similarly, Pakistan has promised to teach the youth a skill that suits them so that they will now get all their information sitting at home and registering. They will learn the skill for six months after that, they will be able to earn the money that the government of Pakistan promises them.

Prime Minister Youth Development Program New Courses 2024

NATTC Courses

The courses under the Prime Minister Youth Skill Development Program will increase the exchange rate of the country’s economy and help train the youth in socio-economic development for poverty alleviation.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan has said that these courses will be conducted in different cities of Pakistan, and the best mentors will be selected for you. So that you can develop a good skill and learn well, you can also apply online for this; after applying online, you are also told the details of the courses.

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Apart from this, the government of Pakistan has introduced a national website. If you want to get information on the website, you will get that information.

How To Apply Online Application

If you want to do your online registration and submit the online form on the website, then first of all, you have to follow these steps.

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website of the Government of Pakistan, which is related to Youth Skills Development.
  • After you click on the registration button, a registration form will open in front of you
  • You have to write all your information in this form
  • After that, the up-news form has to be submitted on the same website
  • And after that, you have to wait for a few days
  • And you will get a confirmation message on your mobile phone number
  • Or the message on your email will be delayed
  • That your information has been received, you have been qualified or disqualified
  • All information after that you can learn more details from number

Shorts Courses

In this new phase, 56 thousand youths are given free six- to eight-month short courses in standard software houses, IT companies, universities, and technical and industrial institutions nationwide.

  • 16,000 Bikes youth have also been given courses in bike IT technology software, cybersecurity, web design, full static development, etc.
  • 25 youths have been given high and industrial courses
  • 15 youths have also been given conventional courses in electrical development, etc
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